Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No Cars Allowed

Several Years ago during a very wet winter there was a small landslide in our neighborhood. The result was a whole lot of dirt that ended up blocking a small road. This road didn't get much traffic so the dirt kept blocking the road for several years. During that time lots of the locals enjoyed walking along this  road that was closed to traffic. There are no houses on this section of road, there are lots of trees and there is a small creek that runs along the side. It is more like being on a forest path instead of being in a major city.

Finally after all these years the dirt has been removed from the road and the hillside has been altered to hopefully prevent future landslides. The problem is that lots of the neighbors don't want to lose such a lovely place to walk or ride their bikes in a car free environment. Tonight there will be a local meeting where hopefully enough people will show up to convince the city to keep the road closed to auto traffic. Hopefully there are enough of us who want to keep the road free of traffic to get the city to go along with keeping the road closed.

Today's walk stats
3.35 miles
300 ft of climbing

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